botframework-cli - @microsoft/bf-luis-cli 4.10.0-preview.128658


This package is intended for Microsoft use only and should be consumed through @microsoft/botframework-cli. It is not designed to be consumed as an independent package.

oclif Version

Relevant docs


bf luis

Manages LUIS assets on service and/or locally.

  $ bf luis

  -h, --help  LUIS command help

See code: src\commands\luis\index.ts

bf luis:application:assignazureaccount

Assign a LUIS azure accounts to an application

  $ bf luis:application:assignazureaccount

  -h, --help                                 show CLI help
  --accountName=accountName                  (required) Account name
  --appId=appId                              (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --armToken=armToken                        (required) The bearer authorization header to use; containing the user`s
                                             ARM token used to validate azure accounts information

  --azureSubscriptionId=azureSubscriptionId  (required) Azure Subscription Id

  --endpoint=endpoint                        LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                                     Display output as JSON

  --resourceGroup=resourceGroup              (required) Resource Group

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey          (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

See code: src\commands\luis\application\assignazureaccount.ts

bf luis:application:create

Creates a new LUIS application

  $ bf luis:application:create

  -h, --help                           show CLI help
  --culture=culture                    Specify culture language (default: en-us)
  --description=description            Description of LUIS application
  --endpoint=endpoint                  LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                               Display output as JSON
  --name=name                          (required) Name of LUIS application
  --save                               Save configuration settings from imported app (appId & endpoint)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey    (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --tokenizerVersion=tokenizerVersion  Version specifies how sentences are tokenized (optional). See also:

  --versionId=versionId                (required) LUIS version Id. (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:application:create --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --culture 
       --domain {DOMAIN} --description {DESCRIPTION} --versionId {INITIAL_VERSION_ID} --usageScenario {USAGE_SCENARIO}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\create.ts

bf luis:application:delete

Deletes a LUIS application

  $ bf luis:application:delete

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --force                            Force delete with no confirmation
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:delete --appId {APP_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\delete.ts

bf luis:application:import

Imports LUIS application from JSON or LU content.

  $ bf luis:application:import

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --in=in                        (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not

  --endpoint=endpoint                (required) LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --name=name                        LUIS application name (optional)

  --save                             Save configuration settings from imported app (appId, subscriptionKey & endpoint)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default: config


       $ bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --in 
       $ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 
  --name {NAME}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\import.ts

bf luis:application:list

Lists all applications on LUIS service.

  $ bf luis:application:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --skip=skip                        Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --take=take                        Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100


       $ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take 3
       $ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\list.ts

bf luis:application:publish

Publishes application's version

  $ bf luis:application:publish

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --direct                           Available only in direct version query. Do not publish to staging or production
                                     (default: false)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --staging                          Publishes application version to Staging slot, otherwise publish to production
                                     (default: false)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to publish (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:application:publish --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --versionId 
  {INITIAL_VERSION_ID} --appId {APP_ID} --staging {BOOLEAN}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\publish.ts

bf luis:application:query

Queries application for intent predictions

  $ bf luis:application:query

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --log                              Logs query operation on service (default: true)
  --query=query                      (required) Query string to predict
  --staging                          Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to production

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --timezoneOffset=timezoneOffset    Timezone offset for the location of the request in minutes (optional)

  --verbose                          Returns all intents, otherwise only top scoring intent. (default: false)


       $ bf luis:application:query --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --query 
  {QUERY} --prod {BOOLEAN}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\query.ts

bf luis:application:rename

Renames the application and updates its description

  $ bf luis:application:rename

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --description=description          Description of LUIS application
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --name=name                        (required) (required) Name of LUIS application

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name 
  {NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\rename.ts

bf luis:application:show

Shows application information

  $ bf luis:application:show

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src\commands\luis\application\show.ts

bf luis:build

Build lu files to train and publish luis applications

  $ bf luis:build

  -f, --force                      If --dialog flag is provided, overwrites relevant dialog file
  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -i, --in=in                      Lu file or folder

  -o, --out=out                    Output file or folder name. If not specified, current directory will be used as

  --authoringKey=authoringKey      LUIS authoring key

  --botName=botName                Bot name

  --defaultCulture=defaultCulture  Culture code for the content. Infer from .lu if available. Defaults to en-us

  --deleteOldVersion               Delete old version of LUIS application after building new one.

  --dialog=dialog                  [default: multiLanguage] Write out .dialog files whose recognizer type
                                   [multiLanguage|crosstrained] is specified by --dialog

  --fallbackLocale=fallbackLocale  Locale to be used at the fallback if no locale specific recognizer is found. Only
                                   valid if --dialog is set

  --log                            write out log messages to console

  --luConfig=luConfig              Path to config for lu build which can contain switches for arguments

  --region=region                  [default: westus] LUIS authoring region [westus|westeurope|australiaeast]

  --suffix=suffix                  Environment name as a suffix identifier to include in LUIS app name. Defaults to
                                   current logged in user alias


       $ bf luis:build --in {INPUT_FILE_OR_FOLDER} --authoringKey {AUTHORING_KEY} --botName {BOT_NAME} --dialog 

See code: src\commands\luis\build.ts

bf luis:convert

Convert .lu file(s) to a LUIS application JSON model or vice versa

  $ bf luis:convert

  -f, --force                    If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                     luis:convert help
  -i, --in=in                    Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out                  Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -r, --recurse                  Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
  --culture=culture              Lang code for the LUIS application
  --description=description      Text describing the LUIS applicaion
  --log                          Enables log messages
  --name=name                    Name of the LUIS application
  --schemaversion=schemaversion  Schema version of the LUIS application
  --sort                         When set, intent, utterances, entities are alphabetically sorted in .lu files
  --versionid=versionid          Version ID of the LUIS application

See code: src\commands\luis\convert.ts

bf luis:cross-train

Lu and Qna cross train tool

  $ bf luis:cross-train

  -h, --help               luis:cross-train help
  -i, --in=in              source lu and qna files folder

  -o, --out=out            output folder name. If not specified, the cross trained files will be wrote to cross-trained
                           folder under folder of current command

  --config=config          path to config file of mapping rules which is relative to folder specified by --in. If not
                           specified, it will read default config.json from the folder specified by --in

  --intentName=intentName  [default: _Interruption] Interruption intent name

  --rootDialog=rootDialog  rootDialog file path which is relative to folder specified by --in. If --config not
                           specified, cross-trian will automatically construct the config from file system based on root
                           dialog file

See code: src\commands\luis\cross-train.ts

bf luis:endpoints:list

Returns available deployment endpoints

  $ bf luis:endpoints:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:endpoints:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 

See code: src\commands\luis\endpoints\list.ts

bf luis:generate:cs

Generate:cs generates a strongly typed C# source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.

  $ bf luis:generate:cs

  -f, --force            If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help             luis:generate:cs help
  -i, --in=in            Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  --className=className  Name of the autogenerated class (can include namespace)

See code: src\commands\luis\generate\cs.ts

bf luis:generate:ts

Generate:ts generates a strongly typed typescript source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.

  $ bf luis:generate:ts

  -f, --force            If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help             luis:generate:ts help
  -i, --in=in            Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  --className=className  Name of the autogenerated class

See code: src\commands\luis\generate\ts.ts

bf luis:test

Test a .lu file or LUIS application JSON model against a published LUIS model

  $ bf luis:test

  -a, --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id
  -h, --help                             luis:test help
  -i, --in=in                            Source .lu file or LUIS application JSON model for testing
  -o, --out=out                          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -s, --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key

  --allowIntentsCount=allowIntentsCount  [default: 1] Top-scoring intent or top n Intent with score to show in the

  --endpoint=endpoint                    [default:] LUIS endpoint hostname

  --force                                If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that

  --intentOnly                           Only test intent

  --staging                              Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to

See code: src\commands\luis\test.ts

bf luis:train:run

Issues asynchronous training request for LUIS application

  $ bf luis:train:run

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)

  --wait                             Wait until training complete and then display status


       $ bf luis:train:run --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src\commands\luis\train\run.ts

bf luis:train:show

Shows training status

  $ bf luis:train:show

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:train:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src\commands\luis\train\show.ts

bf luis:translate

Translate given LUIS application JSON model or lu file(s)

  $ bf luis:translate

  -f, --force                  If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                   luis:translate help
  -i, --in=in                  Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out                Output folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -r, --recurse                Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
  --srclang=srclang            Source lang code. Auto detect if missing.
  --tgtlang=tgtlang            (required) Comma separated list of target languages.
  --translate_comments         When set, machine translate comments found in .lu file
  --translate_link_text        When set, machine translate link description in .lu file
  --translatekey=translatekey  (required) Machine translation endpoint key.

See code: src\commands\luis\translate.ts

bf luis:version:clone

Creates a new version equivalent to the current snapshot of the selected application version.

  $ bf luis:version:clone

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  LUIS authoring (Ocp-Apim-subscription) key
  --targetVersionId=targetVersionId  (required) Destination version to create
  --versionId=versionId              (required) Source version to clone (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:clone --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --targetVersionId {TARGET_VERSION_ID} 
  --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src\commands\luis\version\clone.ts

bf luis:version:delete

Deletes a LUIS application version

  $ bf luis:version:delete

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to delete


       $ bf luis:version:delete --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src\commands\luis\version\delete.ts

bf luis:version:export

Exports a LUIS application to JSON format

  $ bf luis:version:export

  -f, --force                        Overwrites output file if exists, otherwise creates a parallel numbered file

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Save exported application to specified file, uses STDOUT if not specified

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to export (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:export --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --out {FILENAME.json or PATH/FILENAME.json} 
  --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src\commands\luis\version\export.ts

bf luis:version:import

Imports a new version into a LUIS application from JSON or LU content.

  $ bf luis:version:import

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --in=in                        (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              Version to export (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --in 
  {PATH_TO_JSON} --versionId {VERSION_ID}
       $ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 
  --appId {APP_ID}

See code: src\commands\luis\version\import.ts

bf luis:version:list

Returns application's versions

  $ bf luis:version:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified folder and/or file in JSON format, otherwise prints to
                                     STDOUT (optional)

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --skip=skip                        Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --take=take                        Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100


       $ bf luis:version:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take 
       $ bf luis:version:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}

See code: src\commands\luis\version\list.ts

bf luis:version:rename

Renames application version

  $ bf luis:version:rename

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --newVersionId=newVersionId        (required) New version id

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to update (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name 
  {NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}

See code: src\commands\luis\version\rename.ts

bf luis

Manages LUIS assets on service and/or locally.

  $ bf luis

  -h, --help  LUIS command help

See code: src/commands/luis/index.ts

bf luis:application:assignazureaccount

Assign a LUIS azure accounts to an application

  $ bf luis:application:assignazureaccount

  -h, --help                                 show CLI help
  --accountName=accountName                  (required) Account name
  --appId=appId                              (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --armToken=armToken                        (required) The bearer authorization header to use; containing the user`s
                                             ARM token used to validate azure accounts information

  --azureSubscriptionId=azureSubscriptionId  (required) Azure Subscription Id

  --endpoint=endpoint                        LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                                     Display output as JSON

  --resourceGroup=resourceGroup              (required) Resource Group

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey          (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

See code: src/commands/luis/application/assignazureaccount.ts

bf luis:application:create

Creates a new LUIS application

  $ bf luis:application:create

  -h, --help                           show CLI help
  --culture=culture                    Specify culture language (default: en-us)
  --description=description            Description of LUIS application
  --endpoint=endpoint                  LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                               Display output as JSON
  --name=name                          (required) Name of LUIS application
  --save                               Save configuration settings from imported app (appId & endpoint)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey    (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --tokenizerVersion=tokenizerVersion  Version specifies how sentences are tokenized (optional). See also:

  --versionId=versionId                (required) LUIS version Id. (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:application:create --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --culture 
       --domain {DOMAIN} --description {DESCRIPTION} --versionId {INITIAL_VERSION_ID} --usageScenario {USAGE_SCENARIO}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/create.ts

bf luis:application:delete

Deletes a LUIS application

  $ bf luis:application:delete

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --force                            Force delete with no confirmation
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:delete --appId {APP_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/delete.ts

bf luis:application:import

Imports LUIS application from JSON or LU content.

  $ bf luis:application:import

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --in=in                        (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not

  --endpoint=endpoint                (required) LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --name=name                        LUIS application name (optional)

  --save                             Save configuration settings from imported app (appId, subscriptionKey & endpoint)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default: config


       $ bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --in 
       $ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 
  --name {NAME}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/import.ts

bf luis:application:list

Lists all applications on LUIS service.

  $ bf luis:application:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --skip=skip                        Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --take=take                        Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100


       $ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take 3
       $ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/list.ts

bf luis:application:publish

Publishes application's version

  $ bf luis:application:publish

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --direct                           Available only in direct version query. Do not publish to staging or production
                                     (default: false)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --staging                          Publishes application version to Staging slot, otherwise publish to production
                                     (default: false)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to publish (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:application:publish --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --versionId 
  {INITIAL_VERSION_ID} --appId {APP_ID} --staging {BOOLEAN}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/publish.ts

bf luis:application:query

Queries application for intent predictions

  $ bf luis:application:query

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --log                              Logs query operation on service (default: true)
  --query=query                      (required) Query string to predict
  --staging                          Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to production

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --timezoneOffset=timezoneOffset    Timezone offset for the location of the request in minutes (optional)

  --verbose                          Returns all intents, otherwise only top scoring intent. (default: false)


       $ bf luis:application:query --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --query 
  {QUERY} --prod {BOOLEAN}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/query.ts

bf luis:application:rename

Renames the application and updates its description

  $ bf luis:application:rename

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --description=description          Description of LUIS application
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --name=name                        (required) (required) Name of LUIS application

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name 
  {NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/rename.ts

bf luis:application:show

Shows application information

  $ bf luis:application:show

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:application:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src/commands/luis/application/show.ts

bf luis:build

Build lu files to train and publish luis applications

  $ bf luis:build

  -f, --force                      If --dialog flag is provided, overwrites relevant dialog file
  -h, --help                       show CLI help
  -i, --in=in                      Lu file or folder

  -o, --out=out                    Output file or folder name. If not specified, current directory will be used as

  --authoringKey=authoringKey      LUIS authoring key

  --botName=botName                Bot name

  --defaultCulture=defaultCulture  Culture code for the content. Infer from .lu if available. Defaults to en-us

  --deleteOldVersion               Delete old version of LUIS application after building new one.

  --dialog=dialog                  [default: multiLanguage] Write out .dialog files whose recognizer type
                                   [multiLanguage|crosstrained] is specified by --dialog

  --fallbackLocale=fallbackLocale  Locale to be used at the fallback if no locale specific recognizer is found. Only
                                   valid if --dialog is set

  --log                            write out log messages to console

  --luConfig=luConfig              Path to config for lu build which can contain switches for arguments

  --region=region                  [default: westus] LUIS authoring region [westus|westeurope|australiaeast]

  --suffix=suffix                  Environment name as a suffix identifier to include in LUIS app name. Defaults to
                                   current logged in user alias


       $ bf luis:build --in {INPUT_FILE_OR_FOLDER} --authoringKey {AUTHORING_KEY} --botName {BOT_NAME} --dialog 

See code: src/commands/luis/build.ts

bf luis:convert

Convert .lu file(s) to a LUIS application JSON model or vice versa

  $ bf luis:convert

  -f, --force                    If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                     luis:convert help
  -i, --in=in                    Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out                  Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -r, --recurse                  Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
  --culture=culture              Lang code for the LUIS application
  --description=description      Text describing the LUIS applicaion
  --log                          Enables log messages
  --name=name                    Name of the LUIS application
  --schemaversion=schemaversion  Schema version of the LUIS application
  --sort                         When set, intent, utterances, entities are alphabetically sorted in .lu files
  --versionid=versionid          Version ID of the LUIS application

See code: src/commands/luis/convert.ts

bf luis:cross-train

Lu and Qna cross train tool

  $ bf luis:cross-train

  -h, --help               luis:cross-train help
  -i, --in=in              source lu and qna files folder

  -o, --out=out            output folder name. If not specified, the cross trained files will be wrote to cross-trained
                           folder under folder of current command

  --config=config          path to config file of mapping rules which is relative to folder specified by --in. If not
                           specified, it will read default config.json from the folder specified by --in

  --intentName=intentName  [default: _Interruption] Interruption intent name

  --rootDialog=rootDialog  rootDialog file path which is relative to folder specified by --in. If --config not
                           specified, cross-trian will automatically construct the config from file system based on root
                           dialog file

See code: src/commands/luis/cross-train.ts

bf luis:endpoints:list

Returns available deployment endpoints

  $ bf luis:endpoints:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:


       $ bf luis:endpoints:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 

See code: src/commands/luis/endpoints/list.ts

bf luis:generate:cs

Generate:cs generates a strongly typed C# source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.

  $ bf luis:generate:cs

  -f, --force            If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help             luis:generate:cs help
  -i, --in=in            Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  --className=className  Name of the autogenerated class (can include namespace)

See code: src/commands/luis/generate/cs.ts

bf luis:generate:ts

Generate:ts generates a strongly typed typescript source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.

  $ bf luis:generate:ts

  -f, --force            If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help             luis:generate:ts help
  -i, --in=in            Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  --className=className  Name of the autogenerated class

See code: src/commands/luis/generate/ts.ts

bf luis:test

Test a .lu file or LUIS application JSON model against a published LUIS model

  $ bf luis:test

  -a, --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id
  -h, --help                             luis:test help
  -i, --in=in                            Source .lu file or LUIS application JSON model for testing
  -o, --out=out                          Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -s, --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key

  --allowIntentsCount=allowIntentsCount  [default: 1] Top-scoring intent or top n Intent with score to show in the

  --endpoint=endpoint                    [default:] LUIS endpoint hostname

  --force                                If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that

  --intentOnly                           Only test intent

  --staging                              Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to

See code: src/commands/luis/test.ts

bf luis:train:run

Issues asynchronous training request for LUIS application

  $ bf luis:train:run

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)

  --wait                             Wait until training complete and then display status


       $ bf luis:train:run --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src/commands/luis/train/run.ts

bf luis:train:show

Shows training status

  $ bf luis:train:show

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:train:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src/commands/luis/train/show.ts

bf luis:translate

Translate given LUIS application JSON model or lu file(s)

  $ bf luis:translate

  -f, --force                  If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                   luis:translate help
  -i, --in=in                  Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
  -o, --out=out                Output folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
  -r, --recurse                Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
  --srclang=srclang            Source lang code. Auto detect if missing.
  --tgtlang=tgtlang            (required) Comma separated list of target languages.
  --translate_comments         When set, machine translate comments found in .lu file
  --translate_link_text        When set, machine translate link description in .lu file
  --translatekey=translatekey  (required) Machine translation endpoint key.

See code: src/commands/luis/translate.ts

bf luis:version:clone

Creates a new version equivalent to the current snapshot of the selected application version.

  $ bf luis:version:clone

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  LUIS authoring (Ocp-Apim-subscription) key
  --targetVersionId=targetVersionId  (required) Destination version to create
  --versionId=versionId              (required) Source version to clone (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:clone --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --targetVersionId {TARGET_VERSION_ID} 
  --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src/commands/luis/version/clone.ts

bf luis:version:delete

Deletes a LUIS application version

  $ bf luis:version:delete

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to delete


       $ bf luis:version:delete --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey 

See code: src/commands/luis/version/delete.ts

bf luis:version:export

Exports a LUIS application to JSON format

  $ bf luis:version:export

  -f, --force                        Overwrites output file if exists, otherwise creates a parallel numbered file

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Save exported application to specified file, uses STDOUT if not specified

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to export (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:export --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --out {FILENAME.json or PATH/FILENAME.json} 
  --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}

See code: src/commands/luis/version/export.ts

bf luis:version:import

Imports a new version into a LUIS application from JSON or LU content.

  $ bf luis:version:import

  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -i, --in=in                        (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --json                             Display output as JSON

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              Version to export (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --in 
  {PATH_TO_JSON} --versionId {VERSION_ID}
       $ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} 
  --appId {APP_ID}

See code: src/commands/luis/version/import.ts

bf luis:version:list

Returns application's versions

  $ bf luis:version:list

  -f, --force                        If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
  -h, --help                         show CLI help

  -o, --out=out                      Output results to specified folder and/or file in JSON format, otherwise prints to
                                     STDOUT (optional)

  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)

  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname

  --skip=skip                        Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --take=take                        Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100


       $ bf luis:version:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take 
       $ bf luis:version:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}

See code: src/commands/luis/version/list.ts

bf luis:version:rename

Renames application version

  $ bf luis:version:rename

  -h, --help                         show CLI help
  --appId=appId                      (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
  --endpoint=endpoint                LUIS endpoint hostname
  --json                             Display output as JSON
  --newVersionId=newVersionId        (required) New version id

  --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey  (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:

  --versionId=versionId              (required) Version to update (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)


       $ bf luis:version:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name 
  {NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}

See code: src/commands/luis/version/rename.ts



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@azure/cognitiveservices-luis-authoring@4.0.0-preview.1, @azure/cognitiveservices-luis-runtime@5.0.0, @azure/ms-rest-azure-js@2.0.1, @microsoft/bf-cli-command@4.10.0-preview.128658, @microsoft/bf-lu@4.10.0-preview.128658, @oclif/command@~1.5.19, @oclif/config@~1.13.3, @oclif/errors@~1.2.2, @types/node-fetch@~2.5.5, @types/sinon@^7.5.0, cli-ux@~5.3.3, fs-extra@^8.1.0, lodash@^4.17.15, node-fetch@~2.6.0, tslib@^1.10.0, username@^4.1.0

Dependencies (dev)

@oclif/dev-cli@~1.22.2, @oclif/plugin-help@~2.2.1, @oclif/test@~1.2.5, @oclif/tslint@~3.1.1, @types/chai@^4.2.4, @types/lodash@~4.14.146, @types/mocha@^5.2.7, @types/node@^10.17.4, @types/nock@^11.1.0, @types/rimraf@^2.0.3, chai@^4.2.0, globby@^10.0.1, mocha@^6.2.2, nock@^11.7.0, nyc@^14.1.1, rimraf@^3.0.0, sinon@^7.5.0, ts-node@^8.4.1, tslint@^5.20.1, typescript@^3.5.3, uuid@^3.3.3

Package history

Version Size Last updated Downloads Mirrored?
4.10.0-preview.148066 43.16 KB Mon, 20 Jul 2020 04:04:25 GMT 17
4.10.0-preview.147978 43.16 KB Sun, 19 Jul 2020 00:24:11 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.147970 43.16 KB Sat, 18 Jul 2020 22:21:18 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.147574 43.16 KB Fri, 17 Jul 2020 09:02:46 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.147526 43.16 KB Fri, 17 Jul 2020 07:10:07 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.146618 43.04 KB Wed, 15 Jul 2020 02:07:38 GMT 10
4.10.0-preview.146521 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:32:23 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.146517 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:28:22 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.146512 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:18:34 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146508 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:13:20 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146502 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 21:02:40 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146500 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:59:52 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146490 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:57:00 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146482 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:38:22 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146469 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:32:18 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146458 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:23:41 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146427 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 19:49:48 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146110 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 04:25:45 GMT 7
4.10.0-preview.146107 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 04:22:43 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146096 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 04:19:26 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146082 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:46:07 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146075 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:35:49 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146067 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:26:47 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146060 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 03:08:18 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146053 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 02:28:17 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.146040 43.04 KB Tue, 14 Jul 2020 01:42:12 GMT 4
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4.10.0-preview.143701 40.54 KB Mon, 06 Jul 2020 19:24:17 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.143677 40.54 KB Mon, 06 Jul 2020 18:50:16 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.143194 40.54 KB Thu, 02 Jul 2020 22:06:50 GMT 19
4.10.0-preview.143144 40.54 KB Thu, 02 Jul 2020 18:15:18 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.142426 40.65 KB Tue, 30 Jun 2020 21:22:13 GMT 26
4.10.0-preview.142067 40.65 KB Tue, 30 Jun 2020 03:01:52 GMT 16
4.10.0-preview.141983 40.65 KB Mon, 29 Jun 2020 23:01:14 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.141651 40.68 KB Sun, 28 Jun 2020 03:25:20 GMT 1402
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4.10.0-preview.137911 40.2 KB Fri, 12 Jun 2020 04:58:42 GMT 20
4.10.0-preview.137905 40.2 KB Fri, 12 Jun 2020 04:35:33 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.137831 39.63 KB Fri, 12 Jun 2020 00:08:26 GMT 4
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4.10.0-preview.136133 39.47 KB Fri, 05 Jun 2020 03:22:55 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.136099 39.48 KB Fri, 05 Jun 2020 00:08:50 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.135963 39.73 KB Thu, 04 Jun 2020 16:58:28 GMT 5
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4.10.0-preview.135101 39.68 KB Mon, 01 Jun 2020 17:15:23 GMT 5
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4.10.0-preview.134058 39.55 KB Thu, 28 May 2020 03:24:50 GMT 4
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4.10.0-preview.133866 39.69 KB Wed, 27 May 2020 15:17:56 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.133855 39.69 KB Wed, 27 May 2020 14:11:07 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.133832 39.68 KB Wed, 27 May 2020 11:40:40 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.133747 39.55 KB Wed, 27 May 2020 08:06:11 GMT 4
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4.10.0-preview.133630 39.69 KB Tue, 26 May 2020 18:58:45 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.133628 39.81 KB Tue, 26 May 2020 18:55:48 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.133626 39.94 KB Tue, 26 May 2020 18:33:24 GMT 11
4.10.0-preview.133621 39.68 KB Tue, 26 May 2020 18:18:27 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.133617 39.8 KB Tue, 26 May 2020 18:09:07 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.133127 39.8 KB Fri, 22 May 2020 06:52:33 GMT 15
4.10.0-preview.133122 39.8 KB Fri, 22 May 2020 06:23:24 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.133098 39.81 KB Fri, 22 May 2020 02:09:30 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.133034 39.81 KB Thu, 21 May 2020 21:26:10 GMT 6
4.10.0-preview.132916 39.68 KB Thu, 21 May 2020 09:48:14 GMT 9
4.10.0-preview.132850 39.69 KB Thu, 21 May 2020 03:28:53 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.132843 39.8 KB Thu, 21 May 2020 03:15:05 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.132748 39.81 KB Wed, 20 May 2020 15:24:50 GMT 7
4.10.0-preview.132725 39.7 KB Wed, 20 May 2020 14:48:21 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.132723 39.8 KB Wed, 20 May 2020 14:45:21 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.132622 39.69 KB Wed, 20 May 2020 08:09:13 GMT 4
4.10.0-preview.132559 39.69 KB Wed, 20 May 2020 02:51:03 GMT 5
4.10.0-preview.132551 39.8 KB Tue, 19 May 2020 23:59:13 GMT 5
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